Sunday, 14 October 2012

Going posh

On Friday Steve and I went to the capital to do some 'advising' on bees and planting in a certain posh area in Central London. In the sort of area where 2 bedroomed apartments sell for £6 million pounds!

One of the gardens we visited to bee inspect!
 After our meeting we headed off in search of lunch.

Pimlico Road: land of men in suits and ladies in pearls with sun glasses on their heads
And this is what we came across, Daylesford - a very lovely organic deli and eatery
Lots of shops with pricey price tags
Inside Daylesford, yummy deli
Great salads

Lots of nice things....
Love the elegant buildings
And all the famous connections

And the cabs heading down Kings Road, the fashionable shopping strasse
There was an exhibition/show about Denmark! Can't  seem to get away from my Danish roots, even when I am off to London, lol!  But seriously, the Danes take cycling to a totally different level, and it's actually pleasant to cycle over there; I believe even the crown prince cycles to work.

The reason we sauntered down Kings Road was because I was keen to visit Anthropologie, but we couldn't help having a little giggle about the name of the shop pictured below ;o)

We finally reached Anthropologie and it wasn't disappointing. GOSH what a fab place, imaginatively created and full of fun and colour!

See those blue bowls on the top shelf there, well, a couple of them came home with us....just accidentally, you know

This was truly a pretty shop, and if you ever happen to find yourself in Kings Road, do pop your head in

After a pumpkin spiced latte, we headed home, having had a rather capital day!

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