Monday, 24 December 2012

Of parties and paperchains

I decided on a tartan theme for the Christmas party we held for a couple of very lovely people that help with Sam.

Paper chains are an easy decoration to make and can be themed for any occasion and topic. I searched for various tartan colours and patterns and got hubby to print these out before cutting into strips.

A bit of glue or (staple them together) and hey presto, a lovely garland to decorate your room. Here I added a few pom-poms in matching colours.


Below are some other examples of lovely chains. They could also be made out of other materials too, such as stitched fabric, knitted or crochet wool scraps.
We had a fun evening with much laughter, a rather loud rendition of the 12 days of Christmas (goodness knows what the neighbours thought!) and few vociferous rounds of  the game 'Animal, Vegetable or Mineral'!

Santa decorations from the Knickerbocker Glory dessert having a Xmas hug!

Wishing you a lovely Christmas!


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