Sunday, 20 October 2013

Chestnutting in the rain

Chestnuts - another good reason to get out into the woods...

I think most of you know that Steve and I are quite partial to some wild foraging, and what better way to encourage us out on a wet Autumn Sunday afternoon? We headed up to Ashdown Forest as the skies got greyer and the wind picked up. We sat in the car park for a short while, waiting for the rain drops to stop, but as this didn't seem likely any time soon, we headed off for cover under the tree canopy at Tabell Ghyll. It was rather muddy, but not particularly cold, and we soon passed the first copse of sweet chestnut trees. To our delight there were plenty of large nuts ready to be picked up or teased out of their prickly shell.

It was indeed very wet, but it didn't restrain our woodland romp! It was nice to get out and stretch the legs and explore a new part of the forest...

It was easy to gently squash the chestnuts out of their shells

Old coppiced chestnuts
We suddenly came out of the chestnut copse and walked straight into a magical stand of tall elegant birch trees.

A magical mound covered in fungi, surely here live fairies?

Back home we emptied our pockets and this is our chestnut haul! I am sure we'll be back for more. They are very yummy as a snack or with a meal. In fact we had a little bowlful of roasted chestnuts with our evening cuppa...very nice!

Have a good and hopefully not too wet week!

1 comment:

  1. What a magical place. It looks as though you had fun despite the rain? I hope the chestnuts were good!
