Saturday, 13 July 2013

At the London Literature Festival

I have sadly fallen very behind with all my news on the blog, so the next few posts will be a quick round up of the more interesting ones. 

In May I was asked to be part of a discussion forum, 'A Future without Bees', at the London Literature Festival debating problems that our bees are facing today. Also sitting on this panel was bumble bee expert, Prof Dave Goulson and Steve Benbow, a commercial beekeeper based in London.

The evening was chaired by BBC correspondent Bill Turnbull, currently presenting on BBC Breakfast, who also happens to be a beekeeper.

The event was held at The Southbank Centre, a complex of artistic venues in London, on the South Bank of the River Thames. It comprises three main buildings, and is Europe’s largest centre for the arts.

By the Thames

The Literature Festival had a bee theme

Nice, but the cells are the wrong way round!!

Never been on a proper stage before!

In the toilets with the proper stage mirrors!

Before the audience arrives

Bill Turnbill, Dave Goulson and me

Bill Turnbill, Dave Goulson, Me and Steve Benbow

It was an interesting evening, and ended with a rather large jug of Pimms downed in the company of my husband and Mark Patterson, a good beekeeping friend!

For a full review see Emily Heath 's blog post Adventures in Beeland

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