Monday, 1 July 2013

Walking barefoot with Zaf

Everyone should sometimes walk barefoot. I don't think we do enough barefoot walking. Our feet spend months and months hemmed into shoes not feeling in touch with the Earth that supports us. We are too worried about treading on sharp objects or getting cold feet, and I feel this way too, mostly...
But it's good to sometimes just walk barefoot. Feel the changing textures of grasses, the wildflowers and the cool bare Earth under our toes, and even the grit and the sand of dusty pathways.

We used to do this as a what point did it become 'not the done thing'..?

The most beautiful Sussex countryside

Zaf, the most beautiful dog :)

The extended spring appears to have made plants, trees and bushes absolutely drip with flowers and seeds. Here a range of maple 'helicopter' seeds

The elderflower bushes are laden with flowers. I collected some flower heads to make the first batch of cordial.

"Barefoot Days"

In the morning, very early,
That's the time I love to go
Barefoot where the fern grows curly
And grass if cool between each toe,
On a summer morning-O!
On a summer morning!

That is when the birds go by
Up the sunny slopes of air,
And each rose has a butterfly
Or a golden bee to wear;
And I am glad in every toe--
Such a summer morning-O!
Such a summer morning!

By Rachel Field

So... go on, get those stinky socks off, wiggle your toes and touch that Earth, 

I guarantee it'll make you smile!

1 comment:

  1. Og lige pludselig er der en tidsel, av så hopper man rundt der og ømmer sig og bander. ;-)
